Big Bushfire Bioblitz - Have you signed up?

Big Bushfire Bioblitz : Murramarang National Park,
6pm Friday 11 March - 4pm Sunday 13 March 2022
Register here:

Posted on 13 February, 2022 02:17 by barv barv


You need to remind people it's only for those who have been double - or will it be triple? vaccinated. Or quadruple by the time of the Bioblitz?

Posted by marjorieap over 2 years ago

Thanks for the reminder! All COVID related details are available here:

Posted by barv over 2 years ago

Have you signed up for Bushfire Bioblitz : Murramarang National Park, on this weekend?
Still time to register:
Project link:

Posted by barv over 2 years ago

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