Hello Everyone,
I am packing for our trip this year to Nevis. We will have four weeks on Nevis, and those four weeks are going to be from April 2nd to April 30th. We will be staying at Oualie Beach Resort. As usual, I hope to make a lot of observations of every kind of organism I can find.
I can't wait to be back on Nevis. We did not go last year as the covid restrictions were too extreme for us.
We don't rent a car while we are there, so we usually don't end up going around a great deal, except in buses to and from town, etc.
If anyone is going to be on-island in April and would like to go out iNatting with me, message me on iNat. The internet connection at Oualie is not great, but I should be able to get messages at least to some extent, perhaps a bit slow, and sometimes a bit delayed.
Happy iNatting to everyone.
All good wishes,
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