


Welcome to SDSU's BioBlitz page! If you are planning (or even on the fence) about joining, please take a second now to register on our EventBrite page. If you want to focus on a certain taxon (e.g. birds), or have special conditions (e.g. need to leave by a certain time), be sure to send a message when you register:

Posted on 23 March, 2016 22:33 by amplex4love amplex4love | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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The SDSU Natural History Club is celebrating CSA's national Citizen Science Day with a BioBlitz of Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve. SMER has 4344 acres and 5 miles of protected river, the longest stretch in coastal SoCal. Come help us photograph, identify, and document as many species as possible in this fast-paced 24-hour event! Save the date: April 16, 2016.

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amplex4love created this project on 23 March, 2016
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