*Urnisa rugosa*

Although this species is included the Guide to Australia Grasshoppers and Locusts there are problems with the entry.
The photo is the same as that under U. erythrocnemis.
Some or all of the text seems also to be for the wrong species.
Generally the pronotum of this species is rough, hence the specific name.

Colour and pattern are quite variable, see images in this project. Sjostedt described some specimens as a different species and one as a different genus.
The similar U. guttulosa can be distinguished by its purple hind tibia.
U. erythrocnemis appears to have a distinct range and has a smooth pronotum (Rentz et al. 2003)
The range of U. sp. 1 overlaps with U. rugosa in south eastern SA. It has large tubercules on the pronotum.

Rentz, D.C.F, Lewis, R.C., Su, Y.N., Upton, M.S, 2003 "A Guide to Australian Grasshoppers and Locusts", publ. Natural History Publications (Borneo)

Posted on 28 January, 2021 11:30 by robert_read robert_read


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