Associated plants for BC native Bees's Journal

16 May, 2024

It is the little things that matter

The conservation of pollinators underscores broader ethical considerations regarding humanity's connection with nature. Pollinators are sentient beings capable of experiencing pleasure, pain, and suffering and, they merit ethical regard and empathetic care. Prioritizing pollinator conservation upholds environmental ethics, fosters reverence for non-human existence, and nurtures a balanced coexistence between humans and the wider ecosystem.

When valuing the intrinsic significance of the natural world, conserving pollinators becomes imperative for biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, and acknowledging the interconnectedness of species. Acknowledging the deep value of pollinator species and their ecological functions enhances our understanding of the planet's beauty, intricacy, and variety, motivating a shared dedication to safeguard and preserve the environment for generations to come.

Remember to take time and observe and encourage others to join.
MAY 17, 2024 - MAY 23, 2024

Posted on 16 May, 2024 20:55 by bobmcd bobmcd | 1 comment | Leave a comment

07 April, 2024

World Bee Day/Week 2024 Bioblitz - Welcome to all interested to participate

To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day.

Pollinators visit flowers to drink plant nectar and/or eat and/or gather pollen and/or transport pollen as they move about. These actions can result in the fertilization of host plants. Bees in particular do this but so do other invertebrates such as butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, and wasps as well as vertebrates such as birds, bats, and small mammals.

Welcome to those interested to participate in the World Bee Day/Week 2024 bioblitz May 17, 2024 - May 23, 2024 and help raise awareness of this day. Last year during roughly this same time period 36,649 observers posted 151,832 qualifying observations as indicated in the World Bee Day/Week 2023 mockup project. 35766 observations were posted by the top 500 observers in 2023.

Pollinators play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity and the stability of ecosystems by facilitating flowering plant reproduction. Humans rely on the results of pollinator activity for many crops yielding food production including fruits, vegetables, and nuts, but also for the production of non-food products such as fibres, dyes, and medicines derived from plant sources. In contradiction, pollinator's stability is negatively impacted by human activity which lead to loss of habitat such as urbanization, agriculture, and land development. Agrochemicals, including pesticides and herbicides, impact pollinators by poisoning them, reducing forage, weaken immune systems, or disrupt navigation abilities. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and plant phenology can disrupt pollinator and their floral resource synchronization. Human activity can introduce invasive species and their parasites and pathogens that may negatively impact native pollinators through competition and pathology.

Raising public awareness and comprehension regarding the importance of pollinators and the necessary steps for their conservation is vital for successful conservation endeavours.

Posted on 07 April, 2024 14:21 by bobmcd bobmcd | 0 comments | Leave a comment

10 November, 2023

Update of Plants added

Plants were added to the included species today. ~94 species

Posted on 10 November, 2023 17:01 by bobmcd bobmcd | 0 comments | Leave a comment

22 January, 2023

Casuals added to observations

Just a quick note to say that casual observations have been added to the filters for this project. The rational is that many pollinator observations occur on plants that have been introduced. The project was made to help recognize plants that bees are active with. I have left off Needs ID for now as helping to ID those plants was not the ambition here but more as a way to recognize known plants - there is a good chance that the casuals will be known but moved to casual. Hope that makes sense.

Posted on 22 January, 2023 16:48 by bobmcd bobmcd | 0 comments | Leave a comment

26 November, 2022

Fields Table

Below is a table with some fields that are in searches that will look for Bees Epifamily Anthophila (taxon_id=630955) that were recorded as being associated with the various Plant taxon as listed in the table below using the URL search: Taxon ID Number of Choice&verifiable=any&field:Field of Choice=Flora Taxon of Choice Number)
for instance:

One could look just for Bombus by substituting in the Taxon ID Number of 52775 eg

Current numbers of bees as of today's date posting are in brackets eg =48561 (245)

Field Solidago (Goldenrods)=48678 Cirsium (Thistles)=48561 Grindelia (Gumplants)=55365 Grindelia stricta (Oregon Gumplant)=61992 Tetradymia canescens (Spineless Horsebrush)=79331
field:Interaction->Visited flower of= =48678 (1,028) =48561 (245) =55365 (25) =61992 (7) =79331 (0)
field:feeding on= =48678 (20) =48561 (12) =55365 (2) =61992 (1) =79331 (0)
field:Plant association= =48678 (30) =48561 (22) =55365 (149) =61992 (23) =79331 (1)
field:nectar / pollen delivering plant= =48678 (608) =48561 (452) =55365 (486) =61992 (61) =79331 (0)
field:name of associated plant= =48678 (343) =48561 (28) =55365 (10) =61992 (0) =79331 (0)
field:nectar plant= =48678 (203) =48561 (125) =55365 (74) =61992 (10) =79331 (1)
field:host plant id= =48678 (140) =48561 (3) =55365 (0) =61992 (0) =79331 (0)
field:host plant= =48678 (7) =48561 (3) =55365 (0) =61992 (1) =79331 (0)
field:Flower/Plant Name (what plant was the pollinator visiting?)= =48678 (0) =48561 (0) =55365 (0) =61992 (0) =79331 (0)

For the last Field the datatype was not based on taxon but instead text was selected which results in the taxon number not yielding a result.

Posted on 26 November, 2022 06:30 by bobmcd bobmcd | 1 comment | Leave a comment

24 November, 2022

04 November, 2022

Species List Updated

November 4th, 2022
Query quality_grade=any&identifications=any&projects[]=nbsbc-bee-tracker
Columns field:feeding+on, field:name+of+associated+plant, field:nectar+%2F+pollen+delivering+plant, field:nectar+plant, field:plant+association

Posted on 04 November, 2022 21:59 by bobmcd bobmcd | 0 comments | Leave a comment

10 April, 2022

Initial post for comments

Just an initial place to post comments

Posted on 10 April, 2022 18:10 by bobmcd bobmcd | 0 comments | Leave a comment