BioBlitz instructions

Hi all, it's great to see so many people joining our AppState BioBlitz Project! Go Team! We have a couple more resources and upcoming events to share with you.

BioBlitz overview video:
New to iNaturalist? Not sure where to go and what to do? The video below introduces what iNaturalist is all about, which app to get, which places to visit, and what to watch out for. Over the next few days, we'll be posting more updates on the best places on our map to visit and how to get there.

Training session Oct. 20:
We will have an iNaturalist training session tomorrow (Thu., Oct. 20th) at 4 PM in Rankin Science South 119. You can attend either in person or via zoom (you can find the zoom link at the bottom of the BioBlitz page).

Species checklist:
Will has pulled together an awesome species checklist for our county based on previous iNaturalist observations during October. Thank you! This should be very informative for what organisms to target for observations during the BioBlitz.

If you have any questions or other resources to share, please feel free to post them below!

Annkatrin and Marta

Posted on 19 October, 2022 16:40 by annkatrinrose annkatrinrose


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