Apex Predator

Their status as an apex predator is probably what makes the American Alligator so fascinating and formidable. Apex predators are those at the top of the food chain. They have few, if any, other natural predators.
Large Alligator Portrait showing teeth and scales
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat observation: 49132311

While a big alligator is capable of killing almost any other animal, they may mostly take prey that gives them the least trouble. Since they can’t chew, their prey has to be swallowed whole. But yes, they are famed for the impressive “gator roll” method of tearing apart large prey.

Young alligators consume snails, frogs, small fish and insects. The larger gators will take larger prey if an opportunity presents itself. And though it seems strange, alligators may even eat one of their own kind, as seen below in this iNaturalist observation from Joe Girgente.

© Photographer: Joe Girgente | iNat Observation: 48973711

Posted on 27 September, 2020 19:07 by williamwisephoto williamwisephoto


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