Welcome iNatters!

Hi folks, this is my first "Journal" post. Given I just discovered this option, I don't know what function it performs... Testing. I'm hoping that this is a messaging board that sends everyone this greeting!? Can other people write a post too or is it just for admins?
Either way, let me welcome all the folks who've signed up so far. I do not receive a notification that someone's signed up for the CNC so it was a nice surprise to login in just now and discover that we have 20 participants signed up, which is a great start. I was afraid my hours of time messaging you all, one at a time, was not bearing fruit! I am encouraged to keep it up, going through one county at a time and messaging every user I see.... Whilke the FaceBook page for the project is available as a messaging board, it is not required for participation.
Cheers, everyone!
Ingolf Askevold

Posted on 20 November, 2022 15:37 by ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


Hi Ingolf,

I've never used the journal either but I can read your post and comment. Great feature.

doctorg (Bill)

Posted by doctorg over 1 year ago

Test post. I am not an admin.

Posted by umbriel16 over 1 year ago

Thank you for the invite to this project. As a black indigenous person of color the opportunity to engage with this cohort was felt in my core. I am humbled and moved by the initiative for diversity and inclusion of budding Eco Psychologists not unlike myself.

Posted by certifiednaturalist over 1 year ago

Did I miss instructions for the project?

Posted by mdarst about 1 year ago

Mdarst, there were never any posted instructions per se. I’m sorry, it never occurred to that explicit instructions were needed! However, it’s pretty simple…. Go out into any of the counties, and iNat to your heart’s content for 4 days, April 28 - May 1. During both those 4 days and the 4 following, make identifications of your own observations as well as any others found during the bioblitz (and before or after).

Posted by ingolfaskevold about 1 year ago

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