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Join the Rocky Intertidal Bioblitz at Trinidad this Sunday (June 5th) at 6am!

Work with local marine biologists Joe Tyburczy, Brian Tissot, Sean Craig and others on a “Bioblitz” to document as many species as possible in 3 hours! This citizen science project is a join effort of the California Academy of Science and the North Coast MPA Collaborative.

We’ll meet at 6am at the Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse (where Trinity Street dead-ends into Edwards St.) and hike down to the rocky intertidal at Old Home Beach. There we’ll take photos with smartphones and digital cameras to document as many species as possible until 9am. Then we’ll spend the next hour (until 10 or so) to grab some breakfast (our treat!) while we share and upload our observations, and identify species. If you can’t make it right at 6, feel free to stop by any time before 9am to join the fun.

If you have a smartphone, please bring it. Digital cameras would also be great – but be sure to bring the cord/connector to allow us to copy the photos from it.
If you have a few minutes ...more ↓

Posted on 04 June, 2016 00:58 by joetyburczy joetyburczy | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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This Bioblitz will do its best to document as many species as possible at Old Home Beach in Trinidad, CA.

joetyburczy created this project on 01 June, 2016
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