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Thanks to everyone who made our first Sagehen BioBlitz such a fun success! 22 people submitted 421 observations of 108 species, including this dragonfly that is the first iNaturalist observation of this species in the basin or the county!

There are a few of you who haven't posted your observations yet, so please do that ASAP, before they get forgotten. Also, it is always helpful if any of you who are good at identification could help confirm some of the Sagehen ...more ↓

Posted on 30 August, 2015 21:38 by sagehenbioblitz sagehenbioblitz | 1 comment | Leave a comment

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Join us for UC Berkeley Sagehen Creek Field Station's first BioBlitz, Saturday, July 11- Sunday, July 12, 2015, as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the University of California Natural Reserve System!

Community partners, scientists, California naturalists and volunteers will work together to find and identify as many ...more ↓

sagehenbioblitz created this project on 20 April, 2015
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