



Welcome to NU BIO 450, 'Natural History of California'. This is a terminal class for seniors and upperclassmen in the B.S. Biology major program. Natural history is characterized by individual, direct observation of the natural world often made by scientists. As a result, expect to leverage many concepts from prior coursework as you proceed through this course. In this course, we will explore the important role of man's past and current presence in California's rich and diverse natural habitats.

This course will rely heavily on, a social network for naturalists, to enable the class to record and share observations. The course material will be broadly organized into three scientific fields that historically have relied heavily on the contributions of natural history: Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation Biology. As we cover each topic, we will explore examples of how natural history continues to contribute to each of these ...more ↓

Posted on 09 May, 2016 04:45 by chendrickson chendrickson | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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This project will constitute the majority of student activities pursuant to the June, 2016 offering of NU's BIO 450 class, Natural History of California. The class instructor, Dr. Christopher Hendrickson, is the curator of the project. Please contact the instructor at with any questions you may have.

chendrickson created this project on 29 April, 2016
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