
Joined: Sep 5, 2017 Last Active: Jun 13, 2024 iNaturalist

I live on 1200 acres in a tiny home near Wimberley, Tx. I train horses so I'm always outside and observing what they look at as well as my own stuff. The variety of the Texas Hill Country is very exciting and easy to be passionate about. I keep a daily observation journal for this property. I developed an appreciation for the yearly timings of migrations and changes by listening to my grandmother who always wrote when she saw the martins come and go. My grandfather taught me my first wildflower.I recently finished a thru ride 500 miles from Denver to Durango, CO and became enamored of the daily consistencies nature showed me while living out of my tent for 30 days. I could sit in one spot and watch wildlife come and go and the shadows change... for hours.

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