John H. Bratton

Joined: Dec 30, 2016 Last Active: Jun 7, 2024 iNaturalist

I mainly study invertebrates, particularly aquatic beetles, non-marine crustaceans, scarab beetles and heleomyzid flies. Based in Anglesey, Wales, UK.

The observations on iNaturalst are being sent to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, an international database, so they ought to be of usable quality. That doesn't only mean correctly identified. The location details also need to be correct and precise. The stated location should corroborate the place marker and the confidence circle around the place marker should be as small as possible. In my view the iNaturalist rules are quite slack on this matter. So I concentrate on identifying observations that match the criteria above and I don't give an identification if I don't feel the location is good enough. I am unlikely to give an identification if the confidence circle is greater than 1 km diameter; or if the location name is too vague, such as a county; or if the location given is a village name that is not the closest village to the place marker; or if the location given is a postcode; or if the location cannot be checked against the map, e.g. "My garden". Many of the substandard location names are given automatically by the app. These can easily be edited after uploading.

Tips from the Forum
How to find observations you are following

How to find observations I have commented on

How to add another photo after posting an observation
There’s a little blank thumbnail image at the bottom of your photo in the record, next to the thumbnail for your original photos. Click on that and it will allow you to add a photo.

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