Loggerhead Shrikes

I've been watching for Loggerhead Shrikes at the entrance to TPWD headquarters, and started seeing them in early winter.

Now for the more interesting question: is this bird here for the winter or will it stick around into the spring and summer?

Posted on 05 March, 2018 22:46 by taniahomayoun taniahomayoun


Photos / Sounds


Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)




February 16, 2018 01:34 PM CST

Photos / Sounds


Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)




March 3, 2018 04:12 PM CST


Good question. Doing an informal survey of observations here on iNat seems to indicate more fall winter spring observations than summer. On the other hand in east Texas, May observations are more plentiful. In Lake Charles, Louisiana where we lived when I was in Jr high school, I remember seeing Loggerheads in summer because of the number of Anole and grasshopper victims stabbed on rose bushes and the like around our yard. I don't see any in the summer here in Blanco County, but that may be due to my eyesight or inattentiveness. The range map does show the breeding range to be far north of our area, for what that's worth. Here is my winter observation.


Posted by billarbon over 5 years ago

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