Making Sense of Moss Cushions on Rock

The many cushion mosses on rock can be rather confusing. In trying to figure it out for myself, I have put together this table that might be useful for others. Each species is linked to "research grade" observations in iNaturalist and an illustration from other places on the web (Flora of N. Am, Eflora BC, British Bryological Society Treatments)

Species Leaf Length Margins undulating Clear hairpoint present Contortion in dry state Colour Habitat Other Features Illustrations
Grimmia torquata ~1.5 mm No Present, very small Leaves spirally twisted around stem Dark Green Shaded siliceous rock along vertical faces, sea level to subalpine Forms exceedingly dense cushions Illustration
Anoectangium aestevium <2 mm Absent Absent slightly contorted Bright yellow-green Open calcareous-siliceous rock, Sea level to alpine Bright yellow leaves, relatively uncontorted leaves are unique Illustration
Amphidium californica 2-4 mm No Absent Leaves twisted but not around stem Emerald Green Shaded siliceous rock crevices, Sea level to montane Leaf margin toothed near tip Illustration
Amphidium laponnica 2-3 mm Absent Absent Leaves twisted but not around stem Emerald green Shaded or open silicious rock, Sea level to Subalpine Short sporophytes with ridges capsules common, leaf margins smooth throughout Illustration
Tortella tortuosa 3-7 mm Yes Absent Leaves contorted Brown below, yellow green above Calcareous and silicious rock, occasionally trees, all elevations Forms loose cushions, leaf bases are clear under hand lens Illustration
Gymnostomum aeruginosum ~1 mm Absent Absent Slightly twisted Reddish below, dull green above Calcareous rock, All elevations Capsules often present, lacking teeth Illustration
Hymenostylium recurvoistre ~1 mm Absent Absent Appressed and wavy when dry Light green Calcareous rock, all elevations Typically encrusted with lime Illustration
Hymenoloma crispula 2-3.5 mm Absent Absent Strongly contorted and curled Yellow green Fully Exposed Calcareous and Siliceous Rock, Sea Level to Alpine Tall, slender, erect sporophytes common Illustration
Posted on 03 March, 2023 03:05 by rambryum rambryum


This is very much appreciated! You are a lifesaver. Finally I can stop staring quite so blankly as every mossy rock I see.

Posted by wildlifereliant over 1 year ago

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