Hopper Grassland

Yesterday I went for a ride along Taylors Creek and it was a pretty day, golden and warm, and saw the usual critters, like moorhens, swamphens, crows, a wagtail and magpies, as well as what might have been a grebe (first time seeing one there) floating quietly on the deeper section of the creek opposite Zebra Park. I went past the section where the council is doing works, past the new bridge under construction, and over the shallowest section creek where the paved path ends. As I crossed, I startled a heron up into the air, and in flew gracefully to the weedy grasses beneath the power lines next to the creek. It joined other herons there too on the grass.

Across the creek on the dirt track where the bushes and grass had been burnt, nearly every step I took sent many grasshoppers fleeing forward. There were heaps of small greyish ones, and beautiful large yellow ones too. There were a few large and gangly ones too, which were less graceful than the others,and was the only one I could photograph after quite awhile of running around. The grasshopper is a Giant Green Slantface, and was very cool. It reminds me of something similar I saw, a beige one, at Dima's years ago, or maybe that was a dream...

While trying to get close to the gorgeous ones with yellow wings, someone on their dirt bike, rode down an inconspicuous path across the plain to the distance. I must go down their soon, to see if I can find anything cool, and try to get to the tall trees beneath the electricity towers.

Posted on 03 April, 2023 07:40 by quixel quixel


Photos / Sounds


Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes)




April 2, 2023 05:03 PM AEST

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Willie-Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys)




April 2, 2023 05:03 PM AEST

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Giant Green Slantface (Acrida conica)




April 2, 2023 04:35 PM AEST

Photos / Sounds


Australian Garden Mantis (Orthodera ministralis)




April 2, 2023 04:02 PM AEST


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