Madison Square Park Pollinators I

July 24, 2020 • Madison Square Park Conservancy

Over thousands of years, pollinators found in Madison Square Park have coevolved with regional plants to transfer pollen between male and female flower parts. In return, the pollinators feed on nectar for energy and pollen for protein, keeping them alive throughout their lifecycle.

Here are a few pollinators you can find in Madison Square Park:

Apis mellifera is a bit of a polarizing species within the bee community. Although western honey bees are vital pollinators for many wild plants and the global agricultural industry, they are non native to North America. Because of this, they will often out compete native species for resources, threatening their existence and the global ecosystem. Because they have a generalist diet, you can spot western honey bees around almost any nectar producing flower in the Park. In addition to honey bees, the Park is also a host for many native species of bees like mason bees, leafcutter bees, and carpenter bees.

When someone refers to a fly, most of us immediately conjure up images of the pesky house fly, but like us, flies come in all shapes and sizes. Many hoverflies and flowerflies like those in the genus Syrphus actually mimic the appearance of bees to avoid predators, and like bees they are also a very important pollinator in a healthy ecosystem. Like other pollinators, flies rely on a reliable food supply of nectar and pollen. These hoverflies can be found in the Park throughout the year but are more active during the spring to fall months.

Butterflies and moths are some of the most charismatic pollinators, and a keystone species for a happy and healthy ecosystem. The Papilio glaucus is an especially charismatic species due the radiant yellow wings and contrasting black tiger stripes that give it it’s common name. While both males and females come in this form, the female can also come in a mostly black variant. Eastern Tiger Swallowtails inhabit the region from May through September, where adults will nectar on plants like cherry laurel (photographed) and milkweed. Keep an eye for swallowtails, monarchs, and other butterflies and moths from summer through the fall.

Another natural predator of the aphid, Coccinella are some of the cutest pollinators at the Park. Their small frame allows them to feed on nectar and pollen from tightly constructed flowers that larger bees and butterflies cannot reach. Lady beetles also have a tremendous appetite for aphids, and consume up to 5,000 aphids in a lifetime! As they search for the tiny leaf suckers, lady beetles inadvertently carry pollen from flower to flower and protect many plants from an over infestation of aphids.

Local naturalists, birders, and online data collection platforms such as iNaturalist and eBird help us track biodiversity. To learn more about the insects and other flora and fauna throughout Madison Square Park, visit our iNaturalist and eBird pages, or read more about our ongoing initiative to support our local wildlife.

Posted on 24 July, 2020 17:04 by mspceco mspceco


Photos / Sounds


Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)




March 4, 2020 02:52 PM HST


Bee on prunus mume during a late winter bloom.


Photos / Sounds


Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)




May 4, 2020 10:53 AM HST


Only one the whole day. Hopefully more to come. Nectaring on a cherry laurel.

Photos / Sounds


Common Flower Flies (Genus Syrphus)




May 4, 2020 10:33 AM HST


Found a few of these near and around a tall shrub that was also attracting honeybees. It was no larger that half an inch in length.

Photos / Sounds


Ladybirds (Family Coccinellidae)




May 26, 2020 04:04 PM HST


Can't see in the photo, but had light colored pronotum. Has spots although very small.


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