Eastern Monarch Migration

April 24, 2020 • Madison Square Park Conservancy

The beautiful markings of a Danaus plexippus.

In March, a great migration of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) departed from Central Mexico and the Southern United States using a combination of internal sun and magnetic “compasses” to migrate north. As of April, this kaleidoscope of monarchs has moved as far north as Virginia, mating, laying eggs, and nectaring along the way. Here, a new generation will continue the trip Northeast. By May, they will reach New York where the second and third generations will recolonize their eastern breeding grounds throughout the summer and into fall.

A monarch looking for nectar from park flowers.

Monarch butterflies call Madison Square Park home from May through September, and it's always a special event to see them. Witnessing multiple generations of monarchs is a sign that our horticulture team has planted enough Milkweed to sustain our visitors. Milkweed leaves are vital to the development of eggs and become food for the hatching monarch caterpillars. Finally, the butterflies emerge, nectaring on the flowers, before beginning the cycle once more. In September and October, the final generation of monarchs will be born, eat, and metamorphose, but unlike the first three generations that only live for two to six weeks, this generation lives longer. Migratory monarchs spend six to eight months migrating back to the Southern United States and the mountains of Central Mexico where they will spend the winter waiting for the season to cycle anew.

Posted on 24 April, 2020 18:32 by mspceco mspceco


Photos / Sounds


Monarch (Danaus plexippus)




September 24, 2019 11:27 AM EDT


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