The Mountains are Calling!

So we(my wife and two girls) are headed up to the Sierra Nevada mountains in a few days! I am super excited as the last time I was up there was more then five years ago. Yet, I think what is even more exciting is that this will be the first real camping trip for my girls. Where we are going, I have been several times growing up and to re-live it through my daughters eyes is going to be pretty awesome. My oldest is already looking forward to doing the junior ranger program and getting a patch to put on her pack. Of course I will also being taking lots photos and making lots of observations as well, so I can't wait! Should be a great trip! I don't know if anyone is reading this but if you are I hope your having a great summer, and stay safe on your adventures!

Posted on 03 July, 2018 05:15 by mharvey87 mharvey87


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