
Learning new terminology that is needed in fern identification:

frond: the leaf like collection of leaves on a stalk
pinna: divisions of leaves
pinules: divisions of pinna
lobes: divisions of pinules
sori/sorus: the reproductive spots on underside
Stipe: part of stalk until leafy area
rachis: stalk within the leafy area

The D. cathusiana is distinguished from close relatives by the inner most pinule on bottom pinna being the same size or longer than the ones around it and also the individual leaflets have a jagged edge.

Identification could be further verified by turning the frond over to locate the sori. Will need to make sure to take a pic of both bottom and top of frond in future, as well as the overall structure of the fern, although in this case there was only one visible frond.

Posted on 27 July, 2018 17:21 by k2018lena k2018lena


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