立秋(start of autumn) is one of solar term. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_term)
Longitude of sun 135°.
Getting cooler. Tsukutsukuboushi(Meimuna opalifera) start singing. Grasshoppers get adult. Butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, cicadas, are still active.
This is Sato. We also have Yama. Books says three dots on wing is different, this all three seem all different position of dots. But Yama has more separated dots, I suppose..
1st time I've found in Kobe. I saw the wasp in Sapporo so I believed that it's a north wasp.
トビイロシワアリ .
Red book specie.
This is very STINK bug. I never touch them since I grabbed it when I was a child.
I believed this is a beach plant but I found the plant far from beach.
->different plant. ネナシカズラ属.
I thought this was ダルマガエル because I felt the frog has shorter legs. But local government says ダルマガエル in Kobe doesn't have center line. This is トノサマガエル. :)
Larger ツチガエル(1) on edge of Rice field.
Moves restlessly so I couldn't get close.
Two branches, cover doesn't have blotch.
may be カシロダケ (Phyllostachys bambusoides f. kashirodake).
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