Frank Lake Conservation Area

Frank Lake is an Important Bird Area (IBA) south of Calgary.
Alberta Wilderness Association's outdoor education program - Adventures for Wilderness (A4W) led a public hike on Saturday, May 27. Board Director, Chris Saunders, coordinated the event and helped teach basic birding skills.
The confirmed sightings are listed below:

  1. Tree Swallow
  2. Red-winged blackbird
  3. Yellow-headed blackbird
  4. Killdeer
  5. Canada Goose
  6. Short-billed Dowitcher
  7. Wilsons Pharalope
  8. Northern Shoveler
  9. Marsh Wren
  10. Ruddy Duck
  11. Lesser Scaup
  12. Brewer's blackbird
  13. Black-necked Stilt
  14. American white Pelican
  15. Marbled godwit
  16. Willet
  17. Herring gull
  18. Franklin's gull
  19. Cormorant
  20. California gull
  21. Savannah sparrow
  22. Horned grebe
  23. Eared grebe
  24. Western grebe
  25. White-faced ibis
  26. Gadwall
  27. Mallard
  28. Blue-winged teal
  29. American coot
  30. Northern harrier
  31. Brown-headed cowbird
  32. American avocet
  33. American robin
  34. Western yellow lark

The weather was fine, and it was an exciting day of birding.

Posted on 29 May, 2023 18:10 by dadonnelly dadonnelly


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