Audubon Climate Watch - February 2021

This year I participated in Audubon's relatively new citizen science project, Climate Watch. It is a nation-wide program in the U.S. coordinated and run by volunteers in all 50 states. I surveyed one 10x10 km grid that spanned northern Elkhart County, IN, and in Southern Cass County, MI. This was my first bird survey outside of the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and my first survey in the Bird Conservation Region 13 -- Prairie Hardwood Transition.

The morning consisted of 12 five-minute surveys throughout the grid. It started out fantastic, with my first survey beginning at 7:36 am, and including two bald eagles flying directly overhead, and meandering along the St. Joseph River.

The rest of the surveys seemed to be productive, recording the target species of Eastern Bluebird, and White-breasted Nuthatch throughout the day. I was also pleasantly surprised by detecting a small flock of Common Redpoll, Cedar Waxwing, and several Mute Swans flying overhead.

I enjoyed getting out on a cold February morning and getting in some birds I wouldn't otherwise see, and explore some very interesting places. I am very much looking forward to volunteering again when the Climate Watch resumes this Summer in May and June.

Posted on 22 February, 2021 17:56 by csonafrank csonafrank


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