Genus Panorpa (Mecoptera) in Galicia

As described in this article ( and dicussed in this observation (, there are 4 species of Panorpa Scorpionflies in Spain:

-P. communis
-P. germanica
-P. meridionalis
-P. vulgaris

P. meridionalis seems to be the most widespread species, while P. vulgaris may be restricted to the Pyrenees, so it probably cannot be found in Galicia.

The wing patterns are quite variable, so they may not be a good trait to use in identification. One trait that can be useful to ID the males are the markings on the male's reproductive capsule (the one that looks like the stinger), which in the case of P germanica are broad an straight, and in the other species thinner and converging.

Another character that can be useful is the color of occiput (top-back of the head), which in this region should always be black in P. communis, and brown-redish in P. meridionalis.

Posted on 18 March, 2024 17:01 by antonva antonva


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