100 species

on friday, I photographed my 100th species for iNat in 2019!
nowhere near my goal but pretty good for the first 20 days :-)
you can see my progress here: https://www.inaturalist.org/stats/2019/alexis_orion
Happy iNatting,

Posted on 20 January, 2019 08:35 by alexis_orion alexis_orion


Congratulations!! Very impressive!

Posted by chickadee77 over 5 years ago

Woo hoo! Great job! Keep it up! :)

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

Thanks! I'll try :)

Posted by alexis_orion over 5 years ago

Great job, Alexis!

Posted by bluejay2007 over 5 years ago

I think I'm getting closer to 200 now. I'l write a new blog post when I make it.

Posted by alexis_orion over 5 years ago

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