Veronica Officinalis Description

Veronica officinalis (Heath Speedwell, Common Speedwell) is a small flower which can be easy overlooked.

V. officinalis grows well in a variety of habitats, despite the common name being the slightly misleading "Heath" Speedwell as the plant does enjoy acid ground but does not grow among thick heathers. Typically the plant can be seen in grasslands, verges- riparian zones.

Associated plants: Gallium saxatile1,2, Thymus praecox4, Potentilla erecta3

Flowering time: May-June

Typically a greenish-orange1,2,3,4, sometimes red (perhaps in unfavourable conditions)1. Pubescent; pilose hairs1,2,3,4. Hairs more sparse on lower parts of stem1. Glandular hairs around inflorescence.

Leaf shape ovate, apex obtuse1,2,3,4. Serrated, involute margin. Pinnate venation which is often inconspicuous.
Pubescent. Pilose hairs shorter on adaxial side as opposed to abaxial2,3. Pores quite visible under certain lighting conditions3,4

Singular small, inconspicuous bract which joins from node of pedicel.2,3,4

Inflorescence: raceme.2,3,4
Sepals: 4. Typically base retains colour of stem and turns greener towards apices. Pubescent, glandular.1,2,3
Fused corolla, 4 lilac petals. Petal colour turns white towards base1. Venation colour a darker lilac. Ventral petal smallest, 3 parallel veins. Lateral lobes usually largest, 5 veins where outmost ones are not always visible. Dorsal lobe very similar to lateral, 7(?) veins where outmost 4 are ± in pairs.1,2,3,4
Style ± of equal length to stamen, if not slightly longer1,2,3. Style equal colour to petals2,3,4. Stigma is a dark purple2,3,4.
Stamen: 2, filament equal colour to petals. Anther size varies.1,2,3,4
Seed Pods ± triangular. Pubescent, glandular hairs.4

Notes: When looking inside the throat of the corolla there appears to be a green colour. I'm currently not sure what creates that colour, whether it's the ovary, petals or something else.


The above specimen I believe to be in poorer conditions. It is also used as ref [1].


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I can add your observations to the gallery if your photos are high quality! Please message me with links to your observations and I may accept your photos.

Posted on 20 July, 2024 21:46 by account120 account120


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