Cardamine Pratensis Description

C. Pratensis (Cuckoo Flower) is one of the most common species in the Cardamine genus, being the 3rd most observed Cardamine on iNaturalist as of writing. The plant has colonised the United States after the plant being sown as a garden plant.

The plant is often seen growing in ditches and steams where there is good waterflow. Roadsides are often a perfect habitat for the plant as water is easy drained from them into nearby ditches.

Glabrous throughout.

Red in early growth, turns to a vibrant green. Single stem per plant.

Venation is very subtle.
Basal leaves: Differ from stem leaves. 1-pinnte, evolute instead of involute. Shape variable, rotund to broadly elliptical. Apex mucronulate.4
Stem leaves: 1-pinnate, leaflets involute. Shape variable, typically ovobate2, 3. Apex rounded-apiculate, apiculate tip yellow2. Margin entire, red2. Base attenuate, becoming decurrent approaching the apex of the rachis3.

Inflorescence: raceme.
Petals: 4. Pale pink, occasionally with purple veins running through3. Turns a green colour when entering the corolla throat4.
Sepals, 4. At 45 degrees to the petals i.e. sits between two petals3.
Stamen: 6, can appear green4


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Posted on 06 June, 2024 21:06 by account120 account120


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