Ficaria Verna Description

F. verna (Lesser Celandine) is commonly seen as a weed. It is a member of the Ranunculaceae family, who's plants often contain poisons. F. verna is no exception.

F. verna is a simple plant to identify with many features being easily recognisable over similar plants. The plant often prefers damp environments, sometimes carpeting woodland forest floors. The plant can also be observed on the banks of streams, gardens and roadsides and often prefers a bit of shade.

The first sign of the plant is the basal leaves. The flower buds emerge quickly after.

Similar plants include: Caltha palustris

Green in colour, red in early growth. Glabrous.

Leaves basal. Petiole hidden beneath dense foliage1. Elliptical to broadly elliptical, rotund in early growth2. Apex obtuse-rounded. Base cordate, notched near base2. Veins palmate netted, cross venulate. Glabrous. Margins slightly crenate.
Variegation close to margin on the blade; blotched. Variegation spots ± equal distance from one another, distance shortens approaching base2. Variegation can be inconspicuous1.

6-10 petals(more examination required), yellow and orange closer to the receptacle. Underside of petals have red streaks during early growth. Many stamen, displaying a yellow colour slightly darker than of the petals. Many carpels, green. 3 sepals; white-pale yellow at base and green nearer apex3.


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Posted on 05 May, 2024 16:13 by account120 account120


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