Primula Vulgaris Description

P. Vulgaris (Common Primrose) is an iconic plant for many as its beauty is often quite captivating. It is often grown in cultivation due to the ease of management.

The associated habitats of the plant are areas which are moist but drained. Riparian zones are usually hotspots and they can also be found in upland areas frequently.

The first signs of Primula Vulgaris are their basal leaves. In fact, the plant only grows basal leaves- no stem leaves. Buds often emerge quickly after the leaves do.

Red to green, dense hairs1,3.

Form basal rosette.
Oblong-obovate, apex rounded. Can vary depending on growth conditions2. Margin crenate, revolute. Veins pinnately netted, cross venulate.
Top surface: lamina minutely pubescent, pubescent on midrib. Bottom surface: pubescent, especially along veins & midrib.

Pentamerous. Calyx green, fused, pubescent. Petals pale yellow and orange near throat3, minutely pubescent4. Petals notched near apex. Fused corolla. Heterostylous.


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Posted on 04 May, 2024 13:50 by account120 account120


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