Taxonomic Swap 119128 (Committed on 28-12-2022)

Each of the two monotypic groups is recognized as a separate species, based on based on differences in size and in female plumage, and on differences in song (Alström, unpublished). Therefore the group Vivid Niltava (Chinese) Niltava vivida oatesi becomes Chinese Vivid Niltava Niltava oatesi, and the group Vivid Niltava (Taiwan) Niltava vivida vivida becomes Taiwan Vivid Niltava Niltava vivida. Revise the range of Chinese Vivid Niltava from "SE Tibet to sw China, ne India, Myanmar and n Vietnam" to "breeds in southern China (from southeastern Xizang east to southwestern Sichuan and Yunnan) and probably adjacent northern Myanmar; winters from northeastern India (where possibly resident), Myanmar, and northern Thailand".

Added by birdwhisperer on 29 December, 2022 06:34 | Committed by birdwhisperer on 28 December, 2022
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