Barbut, Iurettigh, and Lalanne-Cassou. 2012. Le Genre Letis Hübner, [1821] sensu lato en Guyane française (Lepidoptera : Erebidae ; Erebinae). Lépidoptères de Guyane, Tome 6
Zilli. 2003. A new species of the late genus Letis Hübner, [1821] from Ecuador : an exercise of symmetry (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Quadrifina Band 6, 141-152.
Unintended disagreements occur when a parent (B) is
thinned by swapping a child (E) to another part of the
taxonomic tree, resulting in existing IDs of the parent being interpreted
as disagreements with existing IDs of the swapped child.
ID 2 of taxon E will be an unintended disagreement with ID 1 of taxon B after the taxon swap
If thinning a parent results in more than 10 unintended disagreements, you
should split the parent after swapping the child to replace existing IDs
of the parent (B) with IDs that don't disagree.