Taxonomy details for Elasmobranchs (Class Elasmobranchii)

Relationship: Alternate position

iNaturalist United Kingdom Catalogue of Life: 2019 Annual Checklist
Class Elasmobranchii (parent: Subphylum Vertebrata) Alternate position Class Elasmobranchii (parent: Phylum Chordata)
Created by loarie on 01 November, 2021

Defines a Taxon Framework for Elasmobranchii sourced to Catalog of Fishes

Downstream coverage: rank species

Complete: true

Taxon Framework Relationships: 1538

Deviations: 6

Relationship unknown count: 7

Flagged covered taxa: 8

Taxon Framework notes:

Source contact: Fricke Ronald, Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes, email: