Macaulay Summer of Nature 2024's Journal

Journal archives for June 2024

13 June, 2024

Invasive Species Week Results and Pollinator Week Info

Our first mini challenge is over and the results are in! Our top invasive species finder was @doreneng with 5 invasive species found. Our top invasive species observer was @jafu6 with 79 observations!

Together, we made 90 observations of the 8 invasive species below. We are counting wild observations of species found on the United States Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (US-RIIS) (ver. 2.0, November 2022). Available here.

American Cockroach
Brown Anole
House Sparrow
Musk Fern
Oriental Beetle
Porcelain Berry
Rock Pigeon
Shell Ginger

Our next June mini challenge starts on MONDAY!


From June 17 until June 23, see how many observations you can make of insects interacting with flowers. We'll accept any observations with an insect (or other animal pollinator) and a flower in them. This might end up including things that aren't actually involved in pollination, but we'll still accept them! For some background on pollinator week, visit:

And don't forget, all month is the NYBG Fern Foray AND we'll have a June top observer and species finder for the whole project.

FERN FORAY - all month

The NYC EcoFlora Project has a challenge every month and this year, our Summer of Nature project is going to join in! Their June EcoQuest is "Fern Foray" and its goal is to "help document as many ferns growing wild in NYC as possible by June 30. The New York City EcoFlora project seeks to enhance the ecological literacy of all New Yorkers and to compile new and original data on the City’s flora and ecological dynamics."

Like the City Nature Challenge, as long as you're standing in NYC while you make fern observations, you'll be contributing to BOTH of these projects. At the end of June, we'll announce in our project who at Macaulay found the most ferns!

Posted on 13 June, 2024 20:13 by klodonnell klodonnell | 0 comments | Leave a comment
