Hey folks! Let's show off the nature around us and practice making observations for BioBlitz 2024! All through June, July, and August, make iNaturalist observations and have them count towards this project. How many different species can we find? How far can we expand our map? What will be the most observed species? Let's find out!
Here's how to participate:
1 - Join the project (the Join button is in the project banner on the app and in the browser).
2 - Make observations wherever you are June 1, 2024 through August 31, 2024.
That's it! It's easy! The project will automatically collect all of your observations once you join. Please try to keep your observations to WILD individuals (no pets, potted plants, landscaped plants, zoo animals, etc.), but if you do post those, be sure to mark them as "captive/cultivated."
I'll announce who our top observers and species finders are each month and we'll also have some mini challenges that I'll post about here. The June will have THREE mini challenges: Fern Foray (all month), Invasive Species Week (6/3-6/9), and Pollinator Week (6/17-6/23). You'll get updates about new posts in the Activity section of the app or via email (if you enabled that function in iNaturalist).
Don't forget that you can also observe close to (or inside) your home! Visit this page on our BioBlitz website for some suggestions.
Happy Observing!
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