Hong Kong Jellyfish Project's Journal

01 October, 2024

Interesting sightings of jellyfish this year! 今年出現了不少有趣的水母!

對在香港觀察水母而言,今年是有趣的一年!我們收到不少罕見品種的出沒報告,了解更多水母在香港的分佈。透過箱型水母 的幾次出沒報告,我們確認香港水域有這品種的存在。在國外被視為侵入性的珍珠水母亦在香港出現了。外型漂亮的Thysanostoma loriferum也曾有出沒報告,大家可以更細心留意這些漂亮的品種!
This year has been an exciting one for jellyfish observations in Hong Kong! Some uncommon species have been reported again telling us more about jellyfish presence and distribution in Hong Kong. The box jellyfish Morbakka sp. has been seen several times, confirming its continued presence in Hong Kong, as well as with the white-spotted jellyfish, Phyllorhiza punctata, considered invasive elsewhere in the world. The beautiful Thysanostoma loriferum has also been reported again, so keep an eye out for this amazing species!

Please let the HKJP know about any jellyfish you see in Hong Kong waters through the website, iNaturalist or social media. Every one of your observations of jellyfish, whether common or uncommon, is important and helps build our knowledge of jellyfish in Hong Kong!

Posted on 01 October, 2024 19:47 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

14 August, 2024

Chrysaora chinensis has been showing up in Hong Kong recently! Chrysaora chinensis 最近開始在香港水域中出現了!

Chrysaora chinensis can be found across the China seas, Philippines, and Indonesia. Interestingly, C. chinensis was first described by Vanhöffen (1888) from a specimen found near Hong Kong, though unfortunately that original specimen has been lost.
在中國海、菲律賓與印尼都可以找到Chrysaora chinensis的身影。有趣的是,Vanhöffen(1888)是在靠近海香港的水域裏首次發現C.chinensis的,可惜第一個樣本已經遺失了。

Divers in Hong Kong have told the HKJP that Chrysaora chinensis tends to be more frequent in September, however reports are coming in about them during this month.
雖然香港的潛水參與者曾向水母普查報告Chrysaora chinensis更常於九月出現,但這個月我們也收到不少發現報告。

Posted on 14 August, 2024 18:31 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

22 July, 2024

最近出現的Morbakka箱型水母是香港水域的重要發現!The recently spotted Morbakka box jellyfish is exciting to see in Hong Kong!

The recently spotted Morbakka box jellyfish is exciting to see in Hong Kong! This is a rarely seen jellyfish locally, however the HKJP was able to publish a new sightings record of these jellyfish, spotted in Hong Kong in 2022.

The genus name “Morbakka” comes from “Moreton Bay carybdeid”, a bay in Australia where it was first described. The species being spotted in Hong Kong is possibly Morbakka virulenta, a species described from Japan, though further research is needed to confirm this. Be careful when you see this box jellyfish, as it does have a “fiery sting” according to the World Atlas of Jellyfish, though it is not considered lethal.

Morbakka的屬名由摩頓灣燈水母(Moreton Bay carybdeid)而來,摩頓灣位於澳洲,是此品種的水母首次被發現的地方。出現在香港的品種很可能是在日本被發現的Morbakka virulenta,不過要確認的話仍然需要更多研究。若看到這種箱型水母的話要小心,因為根據世界水母圖冊,牠所造成的蟄傷雖不致命,卻會造成刺痛。

If you see this or other jellyfish in Hong Kong, please let the HKJP know through the website, iNaturalist project or social media!

Posted on 22 July, 2024 13:56 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

21 May, 2024

A new publication about Hong Kong jellyfish! 香港水母普查發表了新的論文!

The HKJP in collaboration with the GigaDB curation team and the GBIF: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility Asia Regional Support Team published a dataset of citizen scientists’ jellyfish observations in Hong Kong from 2021 to 2023. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed jellyfish sightings to the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project website and on iNaturalist over the past three years!!
香港水母普查與GigaDB團隊及全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF)合作,發表了2021-2023年公民科學家所貢獻的水母目擊報告相關資料集。非常感謝過去三年為香港水母普查網頁及iNaturalist 作出貢獻的各位公民科學家!

The contributions made by each and every one of you by sharing your jellyfish sightings made this addition to knowledge about jellyfish in Hong Kong possible! Thank you all!

You can follow the link below to read the article: 論文網址如下:

Posted on 21 May, 2024 10:04 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

06 April, 2024

四月是公民科學月!April is Citizen Science Month!

Stay involved by sharing your jellyfish observations and let friends and family know about citizen science and the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project!


Posted on 06 April, 2024 10:42 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

17 March, 2024

Springtime is a good time to spot jellyfish! 春天是尋找水母的好時機!

As spring comes, it is possible to spot jellyfish as they bloom in Hong Kong waters or get swept in from elsewhere. It is commonly thought that jellyfish occur mostly in the summer, however observations from citizen scientists like you have shown that large numbers of jellyfish occur in Hong Kong waters during the spring time. When summer comes, the monsoon switches direction and other species of jellyfish can be spotted in Hong Kong.


Since the jellyfish are appearing in Hong Kong now, keep looking for them and let the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project know what you see! You can share your sightings through the website (www.hkjellyfish.com), iNaturalist project (hong-kong-jellyfish-project), or social media.
水母正頻繁地在香港水域出現,請持續觀察並告訴水母普查你的所見所聞!你可以在我們的網站 (www.hkjellyfish.com)、iNaturalist計劃網站 (hong-kong-jellyfish-project) 或社交媒體上與我們目擊資料。

Posted on 17 March, 2024 12:34 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

29 January, 2024

Hong Kong Jellyfish Project – invitation to participate 香港水母普查邀請您加入我們


包括您在內的公民科學家已為本地水母品種紀錄以及關於水母何時何地出現的新資訊貢獻良多,幫助我們增加在香港水域出現的水母相關知識。香港水母普查希望藉助大家的幫忙,繼續為水母相關知識作出貢獻!請到我們的網站www.hkjellyfish.com 參閱更多資訊。

The Hong Kong Jellyfish Project (www.hkjellyfish.com) is now entering its fourth year and citizen scientists just like you have contributed hundreds of sightings of jellyfish and other gelatinous plankton, contributing to greatly increased knowledge about them in Hong Kong waters. As top contributors of iNaturalist observations and Cnidarian observations in Hong Kong, I am reaching out to invite you to share sightings of jellyfish you see during your encounters with Hong Kong’s biodiversity. Every observation of jellyfish is important to learning more about their presence, abundance, and distribution in Hong Kong.

Observations from citizen scientists like you have contributed to new local jellyfish species records, new knowledge about when and where jellyfish occur, and continue to increase our knowledge of what jellyfish are present in Hong Kong waters. The Hong Kong Jellyfish Project hopes to continue adding to knowledge of jellyfish in Hong Kong with your help! More information about the HKJP can be found on the website www.hkjellyfish.com.

Thank you!

@josylai @ryanyuewahchan @even928 @carol_kwok @hokoonwong @gomenwl @dicksonwong @ngtszyan @hk_explorers_initiative @dod_od @johnnysalami @chelmon_lol @yeungs @lily_yeung @lee178 @wklo @cwsoab @jeffreyfrey @talibzuo @piaricca @smithsonian_marinegeo @brianleung9864 @megan1425 @tashramsey @ikenmen @sunnetchan @kaiyin @kelpmeplease @caron_wong @daisychy @priscilla_ngai @chun_fei @jennahm @dorlo @erwinchau @portioid @biobank-lantauhk @blackdogto @elviswlc @glendaheng @jacinta-_- @kaysonlo @treefong @wkcheng71 @chanshir @fishtse @tom_chan @estaay @love3 @merryway @cynthiayau @drdingle @gareth54sjs @jcarloshk @kingchan @pkyeung @tangg @vivi1874 @alankwok @amarhuu2021 @broccolilok @carbomay @janchai @justinlty @lshk @megshasfun @metanephrops @oilamcindy @parrotkeen @pasteurng @queenie1 @sai_yeung_choi @st_hui @stanleychan @teresaovo @augustine10 @cherrycheung @diversam @heidib @ivanlee @joecheung @johnt77 @kachunlp_0901 @kahkys @kcss @lexig31 @maddy18 @melody_yiu @musicheer @nicolekit @patrick921 @robotpie @shellfishgene @smriti @sswroom @vivy-s @yuenyi @adamwang @auntie_uncle @barkingdeer @carrielam @grapetty @hecate @ida11 @jeanyim @jjwheeler7 @kaiju_animal_discovery2000 @kemochi @lai14 @lilylam @ltong__ @merrin @missmarie313 @mrfish33 @nicolanewbery5 @oryzias @rancywong21 @rc09 @shydice @steve970 @tomchiukc @tommyhui @tommyswift @universallie13 @vhongkong @williamlin2013 @wing_lam_yu @wudee_yulio @wwisaiahliu8d1 @acoy @alauda_sky @alexashby @alienunited @allenwlto @annamammalbee @ansonl @blanco2 @carmanting @chunyan @codyhylee @colin_hpk @darthstevenchan @donhom @fionasykes @gabriellevivere @garyckk @geelong-nature-nerd @hard_boiled_pug @hlwongx @holis @hollythefrog @irena_hui @isfy1pm_preschool @jackyyang @jaloohk @jasmine_chow @jmeyer61 @josephuh @kayanada @kiran63 @kiuson @lawrence_mx @leocean @leonardomercon @leungkeimei @matthewkwan @mcheng @mh5353 @miranda89 @natashathirlwell @phoebe2020 @physhiker @pyktsang @rogerlaw @runfreeck @ryderhung3a8 @scottedmunds @siuso @slawrens @summer126 @surinder_singh @sus_scrofa @tantan1992 @teamyates @tinnyblue @tyh34 @user4321 @walterma123 @wlam @yammeleung @yannieyeung @yat_fung_shea @yiiin @yuihongchiu @abbyy @abginsburg @abipanna @abrahamcebraham @ac7r @achilles2b31 @adrian335 @afifakhan @aguiard @aidenleeholam @alanyip @alexericsonlee @alfredcheung @alina_ilyn @alvinlee0525 @amycnk @amyskwong @andrewlai530 @angolac @ann755 @augustinechung @aykuo @b_castello @ballcow1230-gordonso @beeina @bettysingsing @bruce2012 @bruck @bruh948 @bshwartz @bwady @calebchoi @carl74 @carlok_1 @caroluskwok @carrotcake @cassius_whale @cchhk2020 @chak_to_fong @chalala @chanchris611 @charlielou @charmaine_tsm @charmainedo @chloitsuki @chosetec @chris_mok @chungwaiyi @cliverigby @cmr_ @cpalumbo @craiglistbiologist @crystalckw12 @cynthiaaaho @dannyfang @daphnesxwong @dargoeuvesa @deeinhk @delon2 @dendenfamily @diver_hk @diza_e_ @drphil257 @easonzyd @ebigale_wong @ededwarddd @elsatang @englishcastle @ericchan @etang @evelynbulawin @fionafong @flycatcherwarblerthrush @furudo_erika @gohulee @gonkong_s_liubovyu @goofyko @greenpants1 @gttgsba @hei_wildlife @helen639 @ho_lam_yiu @ho_tung_chan @hon_chuen_ng @htcheungnicky @hysantang @icalvinma @ida_wong @ipt_dandaboss @iris54sjs @isf0014156 @isf2120131 @isf2215075 @isf2219004 @isf3015098 @isf3219009 @isf3320009 @isfearth-secondary @isfren-primary @ivan415 @ivanhsiu @jaimied @jameslam @janice335 @jasmineliu @jchongecoarts @jeanette2020 @jeannie_yat_kiu @jjjohnston @jlhtsang @johnallcock @joyceyiu @jsclough @jsftang @june36 @kaimin2 @kairos_l @karenchick @katelynliu @katherine_chowchow @kayin2003 @kcyuki @kenneth206 @kevinho @kevinlaurie @kinzie @kitesnest @kitfun @krackerjackers @ktkt @kwanwong @kxiong @lacosta5a @lam36505 @lap_wan @lauratang @law11 @lawrencehylton @leung3 @liv_is_a_dinosaur @lizziemeiling @lucymaltipoo @luke297 @lulu_zhou @maanniejanice @maggie_cheung @maggiekwok112 @mango201188 @marco1335 @mariajx @markymak @matt_caplin @mazec @michaelho @michelle1652 @mikejameshealy @miketurnbullhk @mimigreenberg @misb_96 @moritake @moseinhk @mozil @musicmusic1 @mwslee @naked_urchin @namiii @nanafu @naomihoshi4a @nat_s @ngyh @nick426 @nok_ting_wu @not_chester @nsnewtoamc @nylai @pahk @papilionoidea @paramesotriton @peonychau @ping29 @piraxplores @priscillapetc @pufferfishwah @rainbowwsl @raymondkhoo @reba_leung @rebeccalanderrrr @ricky174 @rmullen @ronald_mak @rorybear @rorycox @rozeforest @ryan_mok @s-ng @s2215078 @samheung630 @sarrah786 @sashahaldane @shaurya_singhal @sherman28 @sheungon @simon599 @simonmacdonald @siuyeung @sofia_sisiak @solarchen @sst @stanley25 @sunnytang @susanne_p @tammy1 @taniareinert @tashtaylor @teamphin @thelittleman @thomas_kitwood @timothy_chan_chan__09d_ @tintin747 @tobbyng @tonaga1242 @tony641 @tramainetsang1e32 @trishblomfield @uvafung @vicky249 @vitotam @vtcming @wai10 @wai_lan_chu @walteray @wankay @whitepaper_travel @wildcreatures @williamngwk @win0 @wwclarali8g2 @wwdirkaug9g1 @wwkylielau8p1 @wwyuhintam9x2 @yalge1 @yeung_simon @yoyo28 @yuanmengxi @yuchingtam @yuet71 @zachstan @zitayeung

Posted on 29 January, 2024 18:36 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

02 October, 2023

Interesting sightings of jellyfish this year! 今年出現了不少有趣的水母!

There was a large increase in reports of Chrysaora chinensis this year, too, with a corresponding increase in the number of stings reported to the HKJP. Though beautiful with its long trailing oral arms and tentacles, this species has a painful sting.


There were also multiple sightings of Physalia physalis, the Portuguese Man O’War, a rare visitor to Hong Kong. This is an unmistakable species with a gas-filled purple or blue float helping it move through the water.

For the first time, a species of crown jellyfish called Cephea cephea was reported in Hong Kong! It looks similar to Netrostoma, however C. cephea has long trailing filaments from its oral arms. Please report every jellyfish you see, as it may be a new species record for Hong Kong! 一種學名Cephea cephea的皇冠水母首次出現在香港!牠與蝶形棱口水母外型類似,但C.cephea的口腕有長觸鬚。請向我們匯報你看到的每一隻水母,讓我們不會錯過在香港出現的新品種!

Posted on 02 October, 2023 12:31 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

31 July, 2023

Chrysaora chinensis has been showing up in Hong Kong recently! Chrysaora chinensis 最近開始在香港水域中出現了!

Anecdotally, Chrysaora chinensis shows up in Hong Kong around September. It is found in the central Indo-Pacific region, and its sting is considered dangerous making it a nuisance to recreational watersports participants. It is not considered edible. Previously there has been some question as to how much overlap it has with other Chrysaora species, but it is now considered a valid species.

傳聞Chrysaora chinensis約莫九月會在香港出現,在印度洋-太平洋海域中央會發現他們的身影。牠們所造成的蟄傷是很危險的,對參與水上運動的人們亦會造成威脅。此品種亦是不可食用的。早前亦有人質疑牠與其他黃金屬水母有何不同,但現時已被視為一個獨立品種。

Posted on 31 July, 2023 08:59 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

05 July, 2023

Acromitus flagellatus is back in Hong Kong! 端鞭水母(Acromitus flagellatus)又再在香港出現了!

In June, Acromitus flagellatus has been reported in large numbers across southern Hong Kong and especially in the Discovery Bay area. This species is known to be a blooming species in Chinese waters and is more frequently seen in coastal waters around estuaries and mangroves across the Indo-Pacific. The sting is mild compared to other species, likely producing only some skin irritation. Acromitus flagellatus are opportunistic feeders of zooplankton.


Posted on 05 July, 2023 10:18 by johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comments | Leave a comment