Wrapping Up the GSB
The time for uploading or identifying observations included in the 2023 Great Southern BioBlitz has now passed. At the official end of that period we had a total of 1003 observations, which put us in 56th position. You can see the whole list of participating groups and their totals at the Umbrella Project here:
Over 30 people contributed observations, some of them deliberately and some without any awareness of the BioBlitz. We saw over 440 species. Thank you everyone! Special thanks to Elspeth @cygnet for her outstanding contribution, topping the species and observations tables for the 3rd year in a row!
54% of our observations are Research Grade, with the remainder needing IDs added.
If you would like to compare this year's results with previous years, I have created an umbrella project for Ballarat's bioblitz projects, which you can see here:
(But remember that this year we had a smaller area, as Castlemaine Field Nats took over Hepburn East - the area around Daylesford).
The 2024 GSB will be held in September. Hope to see you again then!