01 May, 2019

Beautiful yellow flowers

The warm spring weather in the UK has meant lots of plants are flowering earlier than usual. The barberry flowers are bright yellow and are out in some parts of the UK already. It does make finding a barberry bush much easier as other hedgerow bushes tend to have white flowers at this time of year. If you do see a barberry plant and can easily access it, please also look out for small orange dots on the leaves. This is likely to be rust aecia. You can include this observation on the BarbRE observation page. Happy Barberry Rust Exploring!

Posted on 01 May, 2019 14:24 by fraxqueen fraxqueen | 0 comments | Leave a comment

01 April, 2019

Become a barberry rust explorer

As we leap forward into Spring, the evenings are a bit lighter, the weather slightly better and the new leaves are flushing it's time to get outside and explore. we hope that if you spot a barberry bush you'll let us know by adding it to the BarbRE project page. At this time of year the leaves on barberry are just starting to flush. As it can look like several other plants, be sure to look out for the sharp thorns along the stems, usually in groups of three. So get barberry exploring an d be part of this citizen science project.

Posted on 01 April, 2019 13:00 by fraxqueen fraxqueen | 0 comments | Leave a comment
