Thanks everyone
That is it. All my pics are now loaded. So it is a matter know of tidying up the identifications. I will leave it for a week or two for everyone to have a good look, and then I will cross-correlate and tidy up.
Some of the big groups are:
466 observations: 20 RG (4%). 12 spp:
- 7 Helichrysum sutherlandii Mollepelle
- 3 Helichrysum albirosulatum Rosette-leaf Everlasting
- 2 Helichrysum adenocarpum Pink Everlasting
- 2 Helichrysum herbaceum Monkeytail Everlasting
- 2 Helichrysum umbraculigerum Woolly Umbrella Everlasting
Thanks especially to @sandraf for IDs.
Help with IDs?
458 observations: 19 RG (4%). 8 spp:
- 75 Merxmuellera macowanii Berg Wire Grass
- 27 Themeda triandra Red Grass
- 9 Genus Cymbopogon Lemon Grasses
- 6 Bergbambos tessellata Drakensberg Bamboo
Thanks especially to @carolinemashau and @sandraf for IDs.
Help with IDs?
120 observations needing an ID.
Help with IDs?
Please dont both with an ID of "plant" or "dicot": we already know that they are trees. If you cannot ID them, then just leave them.
Identified: 357 observations: 357 RG (100%) 32 spp:
- 76 Leucosidea sericea Ouhout
- 62 Protea roupelliae Silver Sugarbush
- 46 Protea caffra Common Grassveld Sugarbush
- 31 Cyathea dregei Grassveld Tree Fern
- 17 Halleria lucida Tree Fuchsia
- 13 Podocarpus latifolius Real Yellowwood
- 12 Searsia dentata Nana Currantrhus
- 11 Buddleja salviifolia Sagewood
- 10 Cliffortia paucistaminea Rock Caperose
- 9 Myrsine africana African Boxwood
- 8 Kiggelaria africana Wild Peach
- 8 Cliffortia repens Drakensberg Ricebush
- 7 Protea subvestita Waterlily Sugarbush
Special thanks to @sandraf @koekemoerm @reubenheydenrych @sedgesrock @galpinmd @chris_whitehouse @shauns @kyle_campbell1 @geoffnichols
Asteraceae Daisies (excl. Helichrysum)
150 Observations: 19 RG (13%). 15 taxa:
- 56 Genus Berkheya African Thistles
- 9 Athrixia elata Daisy-Tea
- 8 Osteospermum moniliferum Bietou
- 7 Genus Gazania Gazanias
- 6 Metalasia densa Fynbos Blombush
- 6 Printzia auriculata Giant Printzia
Thanks especially to @sandraf & kyle_campbell1 for IDs.
Help with IDs?
133 Observations: 61 RG (46%). 7 spp:
- 37 Cyathea dregei Grassveld Tree Fern
- 16 Pteridium aquilinum Common Bracken
- 9 Cheilanthes quadripinnata Four-Pinnate Lip Fern
- 7 Pellaea calomelanos Hard Fern
- 4 Sticherus umbraculifer Umbrella Coral Fern
Thanks especially to @sedgesrock @sandraf @reubenheydenrych @barbaraparris & @geoffnichols for IDs.
Help with IDs?
78 Observations: 5 RG (69%). 5 species:
- 17 Erica cerinthoides Fire Heath
- 5 Erica caffra Water Heath
2 Erica alopecurus Foxtail Heath
Thanks especially to @sandraf for IDs.
Help with IDs?
64 Observations: 44 RG (69%). 2 taxa:
- 32 Searsia discolor Grassveld Currantrhus
- 12 Searsia dentata Nana Currantrhus
Thanks especially to @galpinmd @sandraf & @reubenheydenrych for IDs.
Help with IDs?
A special thanks also to:
@chris_whitehouse for Cliffortia
@pieterwinter for Apiaceae & Rubus
@james_deacon for Crassula
And also @shauns @graham_g and @alanhorstmann
Once again. thanks for helping out.
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