EN: Gardenia is one of the HIVE perfumer's favorite flowers. In his words:
Its rich, creamy and slightly animalic aroma. In perfume, it conveys luxury and elegance. The aroma is also sensual, acts as an aphrodisiac and can improve your mood. -Bambi Montgomery
The Gardenias grown in Hive And our Perfumer uses a method called enfleurage (macerating the flowers in plant fat and replacing the flowers hundreds of times). The fat is then hydro-distilled or washed with hexane to remove the scent from the fat.
ES:La gardenia es una de las flores favoritas del perfumista de HIVE. En sus palabras:
Su aroma rico, cremoso y ligeramente animal. En perfume, transmite lujo y elegancia. El aroma también es sensual, actúa como afrodisíaco y puede mejorar tu estado de ánimo. -Bambi Montgomery
Las gardenias cultivadas en Hive pasan por un proceso de enflorado (macerar las flores en grasa vegetal y reemplazar las flores cientos de veces). Luego, la grasa se hidrodestila o se lava con hexano para eliminar el olor de la grasa.
This blog is special. So many stories I could share about Gardenias...from my grandmother. Billie Holiday, my very first perfume formula submitted for review; to now growing it at my perfumery here in Mexico. What a love affair between me and Gardenia...then, still and always.
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