Hey Pollinator Pals!
June's warm days and moderate evenings welcome the blooms of jewel-toned wildflowers and skies vibrant with the buzz of pollinators.
This month, our incredible community scientists have logged 2,689 pollinator observations across Utah - wow! Bumble bees reigned supreme as our most observed species, including the Brown-belted Bumble bee, Golden Northern Bumble bee, and the Hunt’s Bumble bee. While Bombus were the star of the show this month, butterflies and moths have also started to make an appearance! The Utah Pollinator Pursuit community observed 64 Monarch butterflies, 59 Western Tiger Swallowtail, and 214 other species within the Lepidoptera order this June.
Friends of Monarchs is still running their annual “1st Monarch Photo Contest” and 16 Utah counties remain! Check out their Facebook page for more details on how you can win.
Klaus Bielefeldt was once again our top observer of the month, logging a remarkable 203 observations across 36 species, while Amanda Barth (UPP project lead represent!) was our top identifier of the month, contributing 463 IDs!
Y’all have absolutely blown us away this month! Thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise to document Utah’s precious pollinators. It’s through your dedication that positive changes are made possible for pollinator conservation.
If you’re in the Salt Lake City area, you can join us in the field to get up close and personal with pollinators, practice your iNaturalist skills, and ask any pollinator related questions you might have at our Pollinator Office Hours!
Here’s where you can find us this month:
Be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletters to be first to know when there are new opportunities to get involved.
Happy Pollinator Pursuing!
The Utah Pollinator Pursuit Team
Utah Pollinator Pursuit is a cooperative project between Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Sageland Collaborative, and Utah State University. Learn more and find volunteer resources and additional opportunities to get involved at utahpollinatorpursuit.org or on the project page at sagelandcollaborative.org/plants-pollinators.
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