Chasmanthe: keys for the species

1 - Perianth segments more or less equal, all spreading or porrect. Perianth base straight or arcuate: Crocosmia spp.
1 - Perianth segments markedly unequal, the upper one pointing forward, the others from slightly reflexed to porrect. Perianth base more or less straight: 2 (Chasmanthe spp.)
2 - Corolla markedly saccate/truncate in lower third and abruptly broadened between the narrow base and the broader upper part. Inflorescence with 20 flowers at most, almost secund with flowers in two ranks forming an acute angle: Chasmanthe aethiopica (possibly extremely rare in the wild outside its area of origin)
2' - Corolla not markedly saccate in lower third and more gradually* broadened between the narrow base and the broader upper part. Inflorescence with less or more than 20 flowers, almost secund with flowers in two ranks forming an acute angle or with flowers in an opposite or a subopposite array: 3
3 - The three lower perianth segments less than 1/4 as long the upper one, usually greenish or yellowish, rarely orangish. Inflorescence almost secund with flowers in two ranks forming an acute angle. Perianth never completely yellow: Chasmanthe bicolor
3' - The three lower perianth segments more than 1/4 as long the upper one, orangish or yellow-orangish (occasionally completely yellow in yellow-flowered varieties). Inflorescence not secund nor subsecund with flowers in two subopposite ranks forming an obtuse angle. Perianth occasionally completely yellow: Chasmanthe floribunda

Alternative key for Chasmanthe
1 - The three lower perianth segments less than 1/4 as long the upper one, usually greenish or yellowish, rarely orangish. Inflorescence almost secund with flowers in two ranks forming an acute angle. Perianth never completely yellow: Chasmanthe bicolor
1' - The three lower perianth segments more than 1/4 as long the upper one, orangish or yellow-orangish (occasionally completely yellow in yellow-flowered varieties). Inflorescence secund or subsecund or with flowers in two subopposite ranks forming an obtuse angle. Perianth occasionally completely yellow: 2
2 - Corolla markedly saccate/truncate in lower third and abruptly broadened between the narrow base and the broader upper part. Inflorescence with 20 flowers at most, almost secund with flowers in two ranks forming an acute angle: Chasmanthe aethiopica (possibly extremely rare in the wild outside its area of origin)
2' - Corolla not markedly saccate in lower third and more gradually* broadened between the narrow base and the broader upper part. Inflorescence with more than 20 flowers, with flowers in two ranks forming an obtuse angle: Chasmanthe floribunda

*: there can be specimens of C. floribunda in which the perianth is somehow abruptly broadened. In these cases, it can be useful a comparison with specimens of C. aethiopica or to take into account the number of flowers per each inflorescence

De Vos M.P., 1985. Revision of the South African genus Chasmanthe (Iridaceae). S.-Afr. Tydskr. P1antk., 51(4):253-261.

Posted on 25 February, 2021 13:27 by italopithecus italopithecus


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