Ending July

Though we still have two days left in July, I do these posts weekly. It was a great week even though in my area, it was in the high 90's making it unbearable to do anything unless you're car birding with a nice A/C. But on the contrary, car birding is the best birding for hawks, so maybe you didn't encounter problems with the heat.

As I said, this was a fantastic week for IPNRM as we are just under 100 observations in just our first month of the project. Keep the good work going and we can have 600 observations by the end of the project but let's make a goal. How about a thousand observations? If you're up for the challenge, just photograph raptors (hawks, eagles, owls, vultures, etc) for the next five months.

New species being added to the list this week includes the Long-eared Owl and the other species is the observation for the week. Without further adieu, I deem the observation of the week goes to @flammulated for his fantastic image of some Burrowing Owls in Harney County, Oregon. These are probably one of my favorite owls and to say the least, I envy the observation since I've seen these owls in every state I've birded in... but Oregon. And I live this state... It seems to be a known spot for the species so it's like why can't I just take the four hour drive down. Maybe if my birding companion wasn't an essential worker! XD You can see the observation here:


Fair warning, though August is just around the corner, I'm going to make a whole separate post summarizing the month along an observation for the month, that'll be different from the week spotlights. So stay tuned the next couple days. Good birding everyone!

Posted on 30 July, 2020 04:11 by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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