So, a small group of us are going to LLELA on Saturday! We're looking for this damselfly in particular ( Buuuut, as it usually goes, we'll likely find lots of other stuff. :)
I know that a few folks are coming: @briang @elizrose @galactic_bug_man @brentano ... @mchlfx -- will you be there?!?
Here is where we'll meet at 10 AM:'57.1%22N+96%C2%B058'30.0%22W/@33.0658396,-96.975858,219m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x9d531440da7e0b1c!2sLLELA+Nature+Preserve!8m2!3d33.0633613!4d-96.9914415!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d33.0658567!4d-96.9750079
If you're able to come, come! :)
woo hoo! Dragon hunting with the best. I can't wait! See you there.
Sigh. We are scheduled to be manning LLELA's new Info Center from 9-1, so we cannot participate at that time. Anyone and everyone(@sambiology @briang @elizrose @galactic_bug_man @brentano @mchlfx ) please stop in and say hi. We are obviously very anxious to know how everything goes. BTW, the Info Center is near the trailhead to the Blackjack Trail, which is where we first saw this Mystery Damselfly.
I won't be able to get up there probably until about 11. Guess I will just call you and try to catch up out on the trail.
Interestingly, although the Google maps link above, from within the iNat program, takes you to the right place, the one that is included in the iNat email update, lands in Algeria. :)
Quite impressed with the showing of folks on Saturday!
@bogslogger @jblinde @phlank @mchlfx @elizrose @briang @cameralenswrangler @galactic_bug_man @brentano @jwn7882 went hunting for this elusive Argia. We didn't find the individual, but we had a blast looking for it! And, as usual when out in nature, we found LOTS of other stuff too!
It was great! :)
Spending some time on this windy Sunday morning getting my observations in- got some great photos of the green tree frogs on Bittern marsh and the monarchs (and the box turtle!) It was a fantastic outing.
I had a lot of fun I got to learn a lot of neat stuff. I am now loading my stuff on iNat as we speak. I have a lot of good stuff on here my Life List has just went through the roof. I just love the stuff we found. I have tons of other photos I am trying to upload to Facebook too. I am glad to have gone out with you guys. Thanks for having me.
It was a pleasure meeting and hiking with you Zack
It was a pleasure walking with you @mchlfx please feel free to follow me at galactic_bug_man on this site. I would like to keep in touch with you.
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