
Joined: Apr 22, 2018 Last Active: Oct 19, 2018 iNaturalist

We are an ecotourism project called Habitarte, a multi-destination experience that seeks to ensure the forest’s long-term survival by providing an important service for those who are seeking a respite from the outside world.

“It is a place of great beauty where one can indulge the senses and learn the art of journeying into oneself”

Our purpose is to contribute to the conservation and protection of the forest and to the economic development of our neighboring communities. Profits generated by Habitarte are reinvested in maintaining the cloud forest and in social programs sponsored by the Apapachoa Eco-Cultural Foundation, the social arm of Habitarte.

“Our commitment is to assist and contribute to the wellbeing of all beings on the planet.”

Habitarte is a multi-destination experience in unique locations in Nicaragua, for people who are seeking to rebalance their lives by reconnecting with nature. Habitarte is an oasis where the buzz of the outside world is silenced and the sounds of the forest come alive to lift the stress caused by our every-day lives.

We travel, it has been said, to see ourselves in a different setting

This is what Habitarte provides: a place in which we can see ourselves anew. On 800 hectares of pristine forests, Habitarte provides curated nature experiences designed to awaken the senses and calm the soul.

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