Hadn't been to the coast in forever, so I went out to Duxbury Reef to catch a moderate minus tide on Sunday. Lots of wind made for poor viewing conditions (too much turbulence), murky waters, and probably higher water than one might expect on a calmer day. So the usual crew of egrets and oystercatchers, purple shore crabs, porcelain crabs, gunnels, anemones, not too much out of the ordinary. Only slug was a single Triopha catalinae stranded on a rock out of water.
Watched one flit around the cliff as I took in the sunset from on high.
I don't know my porcelain crabs, sadly. Found under a rock in the high intertidal. Saturation is exaggerated, but it was blue-greenish.
This was the only slug I found that day. Very windy, lots of chop, turbid water, not much to see. Still, nice to see the sea for the first time in a while.
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