Penstemon similar species, part 2: wide, leathery leaves

Summary: this a grouping of species that inhabit similar habitats and ranges from Wyoming to New Mexico to Nevada. My goal is to provide a brief account for each species as a quick glance reference. This group is loosely divided from the plants with narrower leaves in part 3. The archetype of this group is Penstemon pachyphylus:

Penstemon acuminatus
Penstemon buckleyi
Penstemon carnosus
Penstemon fendleri
Penstemon immanifestus
Penstemon lentus
Penstemon osterhoutii
Penstemon pachyphylus
Penstemon versicolor

descriptions will be added soon

Posted on 31 August, 2021 19:05 by egordon88 egordon88


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