Titirangi, Auckland.
Zigzag Track, in Atkinson Park.
Attracted to moth sheet in backyard.
All photos are of the same individual insect.
Body 1.1mm. Head concealed from above by pronotum. Rear angles of pronotum squared rather than acute (as in Sericoderus). Dorsal surface with sparse hairs. The colour pattern makes this species quite distinctive. In the Australian Faunal Directory it is placed in the genus Arthrolips – not necessarily accepted elsewhere. Found under log bark.
At the time I took this photo I could see a bit of insect debris in a Leptospermum flower that looked like the reject from some spider. I wasn't overly interested, but wanted to see anyway. The photos were terrible and on the camera the subject was completely underexposed. When I looked at home (a week later) though RAW came to the rescue and I ramped it up, got more and more excited and discovered that the "debris" was a male Strepsiptera. I've never seen one before. Maybe it was waiting for a bee to arrive with female attached?
MAle and two females