Suzette and Kim have been seeing such neat stuff at Thora Hart, so I just had to explore this place again a little after work. :)
This one has me a bit stumped! Would love any guidance: @suz @kimberlietx @sonnia @bob777 @squaylei2000 @layla @anewman :)
County record
Degraded prairie (former hayfield/pasture), undergoing restoration. On pimple mound.
Degraded prairie, undergoing restoration (fire and invasive control). On pimple mound.
Location masked, private land.
dry dirt roadside
Upland prairie remnant.
Upland prairie remnant.
Upland prairie remnant.
Maybe Polygala ambigua but very small, not sure if due to being in a forested habitat.
Shale glade/barrens.
Remnant pine woodland/savanna. Coastal plains.