Coldwater Canyon Park
First time I've seen these mating-on CA brittlebush
Photos span about two and a half hours, from just-emerged to ready to fly away.
Genus ID as per Emil Petrinic; I shot soooo many photos! I would LOVE to know if @johnasher can take a crack at a species-level ID, I think I've shown every possible angle, so enthusiastic, but perhaps there isn't sharp enough detail?
The male Valley Carpenter Bee has some impressive attributes. It buzzes so loudly when it flies it seems like a hummingbird at first. This powerful sound impresses and attracts females. It is believe to be able to control its temperature better than most other bees, allowing it to fly in both cooler and warmer ambient temperatures than most other bees.
Same location as this one from 2017: @selwynq
Numerous, about 50 individuals on mildewed yellow zucchini leaves.
Interesting new (to me @ least) syrphid fly, which I think may be a specimen of Oblique Stripetail (Allograpta obliqua), observed foraging on cultivated/cultivated red poppies (Papaver orientalis) in the backyard flower bed.